Lindy Hop, We Need to Talk

Written by מאיה שפירא. Posted in Pink Dance Shoes

 Photo credit: @Doug88888 on Flickr - creative commons

Photo credit: @Doug88888 on Flickr – creative commons

For quite some time now, dancing hasn't been as fun as it used to be. I seem to have misplaced the passion that I used to have for it and I've been having trouble understanding why it's been happening.

If you’re a dedicated dancer and you keep at it for long enough, a dance slump will happen to you too. You might feel stuck in your progress, you might feel frustrated with your dancing, you might feel bored with your scene. There are many ways for it to manifest.

I've had slumps before, but they always passed fairly easily. This time feels different. I've never before gotten to a point where I questioned whether I even wanted to keep dancing. Click to continue reading…